The first appearance of the Antichrist
the end of the world
God, I seek refuge in You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of
the graves, and from the temptation of the living and the dead, and
from the evil of the East of Palestine.
#the end of the world
# Series_fin
The Antichrist
# Masonry
#Conspiracy theory
the words that we missed that we heard in the period that was too late,
and I am one who does not believe in conspiracy theory and there is no
special need in us that gives people conspiracies to work on us.
But the words that appeared in the # series_Al-End, the 22nd and 23rd episodes, let me link these needs.
First, regarding the end of the world ...
The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said ( I was resurrected every two hours )
And the Koran in any express informed us ( a Guetrepett time and the moon split )
keeps talking about the end of the world need a new mesh.
the Antichrist, even though I did not mention it explicitly in the Holy
Qur’an, it was mentioned in the hadiths of the noble Prophet who does
not speak of passion .. The
: the one-eyed anointed right eye and the one whose appearance is one
of the signs of the great hour and who the Prophet, peace and blessings
be upon him, told us about in his hadiths.
In Judaism,
he is the son of Satan from a Jewish woman from the Dan tribe in Syria
and appears at the end of the world and is the archenemy of Christ.
qualities apply to the character of Al-Muntadhar, who was embodied by
Iyad Nassar in the series “The End”, which will be shown in Ramadan
And still, you don’t know where we went on, oh 2020 ...
return again and look at Iyad Nassar in the series that they followed,
waiting for him, and it is clear that he will not be held and living for
a long time because he is imagined with people in different places in
the world, and also at different times. Their soul is distinguished from
the rest of the people and in complete secrecy, they will keep it for
the length of time to the extent that they are allowed and the prospect
for whom they believe appears ...
is what takes us to the Freemasonry movement or a fraternal group that,
on the face of it, calls for love, brotherhood, equality and
cooperation, and we see that their ship is the only surviving ship in
the world.
In the end, we pray to God to stand firm on faith, to decorate it in our hearts, and to help us to remember it, give thanks, and worship it well.
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